Translation Tiers

The Berean Study Bible is the modern English translation tier of the Berean Bible.

The four tiers of the Berean Bible are as follows:

Tier 1

An interlinear Bible to directly follow the Greek and Hebrew texts.

Tier 2

A literal translation to take the reader to the core of the Greek and Hebrew meanings.

Tier 3

A modern English study translation, effective for public reading, memorization, and evangelism.

Tier 4

An emphasized translation to bring out the full meaning and intensity of the original texts.

All sources are linked through to the original source, making the multi-tiered translation process transparent.

The translation tiers also provide study support by enhancing the expression of meaning on multiple levels. Since languages often do not translate in a one-to-one fashion, the multiple tiers facilitate a fuller translation that is able to contain both “word for word” and “thought for thought” renderings.